
Los Angeles Water Conservation Tips

Irrigation Water Conservation

The best irrigation water conservation effort a homeowner can do is set the automatic irrigation sprinkler timer correctly. Most homeowner's don't do this. They have their gardeners set them. Keep in mind it's up to you to have the correct settings. Gardeners want a lush landscape so you are happy. They do not pay the LADWP water bill for you so they have a tendency to over water.

Timer Settings

The timer is set for your watering days which is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for odd last address number homes and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday for even last address number homes. Set your timer for 2 X watering per day three days per week. Morning is before sunrise 5:30 A.M. and evening 7:30 P.M. after sunset. No sun shinning during watering, the water evaporates quickly from the sun and splitting the watering gives you more bang for the buck by having the water penetrate twice and avoiding runoff water.

The amount of minutes per zone is the following:

When it rains turn off system.

Fall 1 minute in morning. 1 minute in evening.

Autumn 2 minutes in morning. 2 minutes in evening.

Spring 3 minutes in morning. 3 minutes in evening.

Summer 4-5 minutes in morning 4-5 minutes in evening.

You should never water more than 10 minutes per day. You can adjust zones that need more or less water by adjusting up or down a minute. This watering schedule will help keep your LADWP water bill portion out of 2nd tier water usage, which is the most expensive water per HCF unit.


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water conservation los angeles